Our Mission
For over 10 years, Texas Family Action has been at the forefront of good fight to ensure our public servants truly serve the individual and common good. Our Mission is to affect meaningful change at the local, state and Federal level by educating, vetting and advocating for political candidates who courageously and consistently promote, protect and defend the family.
We believe in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Texas and are led by a strong faith in God, natural law, virtue, prudential judgment and confidence in patriotic American conservatism.
Our Values
Commitment to the Common Good.
We practice individual responsibility and teamwork to solidify relationships and networks that will benefit our own lives, our community and the world at large.
Growth through Knowledge.
We strive to be a constructive channel for objective truth through advocacy and education so individuals and communities can unite for prosperity and the common good.
Courageous Citizenship.
We work to inspire hearts and minds of people who want to experience all the goodness life has to offer so each can confidently enhance their families, homes and communities.